I have never seen the movie Tangled but apparently there is a pretty popular boat scene in the movie. Thankfully there is the internet so I could see what this boat scene was all about. I have to confess that I was going to make the boat and the people all out of gumpaste, but I failed on the people making part. That is something that I am going to have to keep working on. Fortunetly Disney sells lots of toys that go along with the Tangled movie and I was easily able to find exactly what I needed for this boat scene and as a bonus, the birthday girl gets to keep the figurines on top. I also thought of covering the cake in fondant but because it is a really simple design, I wanted to get some texture in there, so I iced the cake in buttercream and did a little wave action, to make it look like water. If you're wondering what the little yellow things are in the water, they are lanterns, or candles, however you want to look at it. In the scene they are surrounded by these while on the boat. I didn't want to have a ton of them hanging because I thought it would look too messy with wires everywhere, so placing them within the waves of the water seemed like the perfect idea. So Happy Birthday Lindsay! I hope you enjoy your cake.